Karaoke Saturday!
20 Mile Tap House 12543 N. Highway 83, Parker, CO, United StatesHosted by DJ Monique.
Hosted by DJ Monique.
Council Chambers, Parker Town Hall
- 20120 Mainstreet Parker CO 80138Regular Town Council meetings are held on the first and third Monday of each month unless announced otherwise. Meetings are held in the Council Chambers on the first floor of Parker Town Hall. https://www.parkeronline.org/calendar.aspx?EID=6545
Mark your calendars for a Community Open House focused on the Land Development Ordinance (LDO) Modernization Project. https://www.parkeronline.org/calendar.aspx?EID=6662
Doors @ 5pmKaraoke @ 7pmGame Room opens @ 7PM
Prizes include $10, $20 and $30 gift cards as well as coupons for free pitchers of beer! Hosted by Shindig Entertainment.
Doors @ 5PM Poker - Cards fly @ 7PM Karaoke & Game Room Open @7PM