Tuesday Trivia Night
20 Mile Tap House 12543 N. Highway 83, Parker, CO, United StatesPrizes include $10, $20 and $30 gift cards as well as coupons for free pitchers of beer! Hosted by Shindig Entertainment.
Prizes include $10, $20 and $30 gift cards as well as coupons for free pitchers of beer! Hosted by Shindig Entertainment.
Doors @ 5PM Poker - Cards fly @ 7PM Karaoke & Game Room Open @7PM
Great Prizes include $10, $20 and $30 gift card! Presented by Sound Master Entertainment.
Gold in Douglas County! https://www.crgov.com/calendar.aspx?EID=9695
Parker Town Hall
- 20120 Mainstreet Parker CO 80138Planning Commission meetings are held the second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m., excluding holidays. https://www.parkeronline.org/calendar.aspx?EID=6608
The longest running Karaoke Show in Parker is on Thursday nights featuring our host - OPTIMUS! LADIES NIGHT drink specials all night.Doors 5pmKaraoke 7:30pm
Kids' Zone Events https://www.parkerrec.com/calendar.aspx?EID=6674
Jump start your holiday shopping with 125+ vendors and artisans at the annual Legend Art & Craft Fair! Enjoy shopping for candles, jewelry, photography, artwork, glass, home decor, wood carvings, handcrafted items, art, specialty foods, clothing and accessories. One of a kind items you won't find at the big box retailers. Admission for shoppers is ... Read More "Legend High School Craft Fair" »
Hosted by DJ Monique.
A concert by 5280+ Senior Chorales to celebrate the organization's 10-year anniversary and to kick off the holiday season! https://www.parkerco.gov/calendar.aspx?EID=6729
Parker Town Hall
- 20120 Mainstreet Parker CO 80138Town Council holds legislative discussions on the first and third Mondays of each month, with the exception of holidays, prior to regularly scheduled Town Council Meetings. If there is a Monday holiday, the discussion will instead be held Tuesday. https://www.parkeronline.org/calendar.aspx?EID=6649