Tuesday Trivia Night

20 Mile Tap House 12543 N. Highway 83, Parker, CO, United States

Prizes include $10, $20 and $30 gift cards as well as coupons for free pitchers of beer! Hosted by Shindig Entertainment.

Douglas County Fair & Rodeo

The Douglas County Fair & Rodeo runs from July 26 to Aug. 4. Visit FairAndRodeoFun.com for the full lineup of activities.  - 500 Fairgrounds Drive Castle Rock CO 80104


Pre-Candidate Meeting

Town Hall - 20120 E. Mainstreet Parker CO 80138

This is an informational opportunity for citizens to learn about the election process and what is entailed in being a Councilmember. https://www.parkerco.gov/calendar.aspx?EID=6718

Music in the Park

Festival Park - 300 Second St. Castle Rock CO 80104


Jazz in the Park

Festival Park - 300 Second St. Castle Rock CO 80104


Music Videos Bingo

20 Mile Tap House 12543 N. Highway 83, Parker, CO, United States

Great Prizes include $10, $20 and $30 gift card! Presented by Sound Master Entertainment.

Homeschool Information Day and Curriculum Swap

Challenger Park - 17301 E. Lincoln Avenue Parker CO 80134

Come for a day of play at the park and homeschooling! 50+ Community members setting up tables to share how they serve homeschoolers! FREE swag, activities, raffles, prizes, books, and curriculum! https://www.parkerco.gov/calendar.aspx?EID=6714

BBQ Cookout TR Social

- Salisbury MP Field Parker CO 80138

Therapeutic Recreation https://www.parkerrec.com/calendar.aspx?EID=6616

OPTIMUS Karaoke @ The Studio

The longest running Karaoke Show in Parker is on Thursday nights featuring our host - OPTIMUS! LADIES NIGHT drink specials all night.Doors 5pmKaraoke 7:30pm